When it comes to buying that special athlete in your life a Christmas gift it is safe to say you can’t go wrong with a My protein Gift card! That is because what every single athlete and fitness fanatic really wants for Christmas is to wake up and then be able to choose the exact supplements, they need to kickstart their new year’s resolution and give them that competitive edge!!

It was Scientifically proven by researchers from Intouch Rugby in 2021 that there is a significant correlation between Rugby Players and Budgie Smugglers! And why wouldn’t there be, if there is one thing which brings enjoyment to the many it is the appreciation of one’s efforts in the gym and on the pitch in public! If you don’t believe us, just ask James Haskell who was caught styling out the iconic England Budgie Smugglers Fresh off the back of his team’s historic series win in Australia. If that wasn’t enough evidence for you what’s even better is they have also been used to raise awareness of Testicular cancer which inevitably gets a very big thumb up from us!

One thing for certain and that is if you’re going to go for the Budgie Smugglers then to make sure they wear them in public you better get them some quality gym equipment, so they are able to strut their stuff in proud peacock style!! The Cable Pulley System from Lift & Press is the best-selling cable system of 2021 and its pretty easy to see why! With Commercial grade 90mm nylon bearing pulleys and Commercial grade Nylon 11 cable you can literally throw it up anywhere and get lifting! Perfect for those last-minute jitters before you take off you robe at the beach and reveal yourself to the world in those tight budgie smugglers your other half is forcing you to wear so they can post it on their Instagram!

WHOOP is the ultimate athlete Digital Assistant and therefore should be on every athlete Christmas list! The only Catch is that unlike other fitness Trackers WHOOP offers you a much more in-depth scientific analysis and comparison of where you whole body is at during rest, training and sleep and even offers stress management suggestions and optimizations based on the data it continuously takes whilst wearing! All this however does come at a cost, which initially isn’t much as the WHOOP Strap bring a subscription model to the land of fitness trackers so although it is the perfect present you must first get your head around, you’ll only finish paying the £30 a month fee by the time next Christmas comes around! Nonetheless it is an amazing piece of technology that you can be assured will help any athlete take their training to the next level as the technology offers a constant incite into the state of the body.

5 – Flotation Tank
Everyone knows that the best presents are the ones where you get something out of it to! And since the pandemic has affected the ability to book that cheeky weekend away to the city you’ve always wanted to see for your partners birthday or Christmas gift it means the next best thing is to book them a joint Float! The sensory deprivation tanks have become hugely popular since it has been discussed many times on the Joe Rogan Podcast, but it really is the perfect Day out to unwind relax and press the reset button! All of which is purely dependent upon your nearest tank but due to a surge in demand they have increased ten-fold since the year 2010 and that makes it the perfect gift but not really a gift this Christmas!