Weight Storage Built To Last
All of our Weight Storage Solutions are built with one thing in mind, Strength! With a 400KG weight capacity the Three Tier Dumbbell Rack is as Rigid as it is pleasing on the Eye!! Rest assured you obtain that sweet feeling of satisfaction organising those dumbbells in weight arrangement our Best Selling Dumbbell Rack.
Commercial Gym weight Tree
All of our Weight Storage Solutions are built with one thing in mind, Strength! Our commercial range was designed specifically for use in commercial gyms within the US and brings both quality and efficiency to the commercial gym storage market.
Kettlebell Storage Racks
Our extensive range of weight storage solutions also sees us stock a variety of kettlebell stands both one and two tier kettlebell racks so you can be sure to fit all of those kettlebells on one convenient stand.
Which type of weight storage should you buy for you gym?
if your wondering what type of weight storage would best fit your specific needs then it is essential to first ask what it is the storage system will be holding, the space you have to work with and wether or not it is in a commercial customer facing gym. It doesn’t matter if its a big chain gym or a small PT based gym when it is a customer facing business you have to also consider if the weight storage first fits with your brand, will give off the right impression to your customers and finally if it can indeed hold everything you need it to! It is for that very reason that the Combo Weight Storage rack has become our best selling weight storage system and weight rack in the US. As it offers three tiers of varied storage from dumbbell to kettlebells even medicine balls whilst also having 4 olympic weight storage pins on the side to hole all of those olympic weight bumper plates at the same time! However as we stated you must first ask yourself where it is going, what it is holding, if your a small home gym with a smaller set of dumbbells then you may only need two tiers of storage on the weight rack so unless your planning on expanding the home gym the extra storage isn’t really necessary and is just extra money which could otherwise be spent on supplements! The best type of weight rack therefore comes down to your own individual needs, and how big if you can manage to tame that ego! If not then why not go all out and go for the 4 tier modular weight storage system which offers a level of customisation that shouldn’t even be possible to store weights, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls barbells absolutely everything!
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