Best Bodybuilder of all Time - Survey Results from 3459 Lifters
We surveyed 3459 people from the More Plates More Dates reddit Lifting community to see who our fellow lifters thought was the best bodybuilder of all time! Arnold Schwarzenegger came in first place with a whopping 1200 votes with Ronnie Coleman coming as a close second racking up a total of 1100 votes within the survey.

Voted Best Bodybuilder in History
Arnold Schwarzenegger is most definitely one of the most successful bodybuilders to ever participate in the sport. Some would argue he is the most influential bodybuilder in history as since he has crossed over into many other domains and been equally as successful. However is out survey of 3459 people from the bodybuilding community it was Arnie who came out on top just beating Ronnie Coleman to the title of best bodybuilder in history!